Travel to Naples
Overnight ferry from Naples to Palermo
Details: Cameo demonstration
Cameos, oval in shape and consisting of a portrait in profile carved in relief on a background of a different color, are often worn as jewelry. Stone cameos of great artistry were made in Greece dating back as far as the 3rd century BC, the oldest being the Hellenistic piece the Farnese Tazza. They were very popular in Ancient Rome, especially in the family circle of Augustus. Stop by a modern-day cameo studio and watch artisans carve them up close.
Details: Pompeii guided excursion
Stop to see the city where time stood still, literally. Once an important Roman city with 20,000 residents, Pompeii was frozen in time nearly 2000 years ago, when Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the city under 30 feet of mud and volcanic ash. Forgotten for centuries after the eruption, Pompeii was discovered in the 1600s and is now completely excavated. On your tour you will learn how Romans of all classes lived their lives--not only from large public structures, but from details like political graffiti, bars, and street signs.
Details: Naples guided sightseeing tour
As unpredictable and exuberant as Vesuvius itself. Boisterous Naples holds Italy's most theatrical population, as the spontaneous public singing, performing, arguing -- and the inhabitants' flair for overly dramatic driving -- will be immediately apparent. Dive into the chaos and grandeur on a guided sightseeing tour of the third largest city in the country. The Maschio Angioino palace (built in 1282 by the Angevin monarchs and therefore called "The Little Angevin Baby") dominates the Piazza Municipio, while temporary art installations (which have included enormous salt pyramids and giant mountains of old furniture) often stand in the Piazza Plebescito, modeled after Bernini's piazza at St. Peter's. The imposing Castel dell'Ovo has a less imposing translation -- "Egg Castle." Neapolitan legend claims that Virgil hid an egg under lock and key in the basement of the castle, and if that egg ever breaks, calamity will befall all of Naples. The egg seems to be holding up well, though; Naples is as beautiful as ever.
Details: National Archaeological Museum visit
Visit the National Archaeological Museum, one of the finest antiquities museums in the world. With its Roman and Greek sculpture, this museum contains one of Europe's most valuable archaeological collections, highlighted by the select Farnese acquisitions, and the mosaics and sculpture excavated at Pompeii and Herculaneum.