Tips for Planning your Perfect Trip

There’s a lot that goes into planning a vacation: taking time off work or school, booking flights, hotels and transportation, packing, deciding where you want to go and how to fit everything into your schedule, and more. Along with the planning often comes an unusual and unexpected sense of worry: Am I using my time off as best I can? How do I make sure I see it all?

It’s no simple task, and as such, there’s no simple answer. In honour of World Tourism Day, we asked the WorldStrides Explorica team how to plan a perfect trip, because, well, it’s what we do! Here’s what we had to say:


Before you leave, download local city maps to your phone to get a sense of where you are staying in the city in relation to the sights and hot spots.

– Carolyn, Director of Domestic Bus Sales

Even better, downloading maps to your phone will allow you to pin spots you want to go to, so you remember them for later… or if you take a wrong turn, downloaded maps will help you get back on track without using extra data or having to hunt down WiFi!

– Todd, Manager of Client Experience Managers

When booking hotels, look at the destinations (like museums, restaurants, etc.) you’re going to, and see if you can find places that are somewhat central so you’re always right where you need to be, and will be able to make the most of your time!

– Luke, Client Experience Manager

Research the best way to get around your destination, whether that’s using a metro pass, walking, or biking! For example, it might pay off to buy a metro pass in advance or as one of the first things you do when you arrive, so you can get as much use of it as possible.

– Scott, Business Development Executive

When planning your itinerary, make sure to leave some time each day for… well, anything! Whether you overhear a conversation on the metro about this AMAZING restaurant, want to wander around the downtown core and soak up the sights (and smells and sounds), or enjoy some me-time and relax with a good book, be careful about over-planning. Create some free time in your itinerary so you can see where the day takes you and what adventures you may discover.

– Alana, Marketing Director, Canada

Know anyone who’s travelled to your destination? Ask what they saw, what they loved, what they would do again, and what they wish they saw more of. Those will be great starting points – someone who has experienced those things will be able to give you amazing insight, especially if you trust their opinion!

– Alyssa, Senior Client Experience Manager

Once you’ve arrived, be sure to put your phone away every once in a while and live in the moment. Don’t just see the sights through your phone’s camera lens – remember to enjoy and take in the beauty of the place you’ve travelled so far to see.

– Alessandra, Performing Tours Specialist

Check out Instagram hot spots and popular hashtags! Posts found here will showcase the most photogenic sights and where people seem to be sharing a lot of content from, which means they might be worth a visit!

– Vanessa, Client Experience Manager

If you’re at a museum, monument, or important building, don’t hesitate to ask questions! More often than not, there are knowledgeable staff around who can share interesting tidbits of information you wouldn’t have known otherwise. Even if you’re simply enjoying a coffee at a local café, ask your server for tips on nearby spots, they will likely know the city like the back of their hand.

– Stephanie, Senior Client Experience Manager

If you’re staying in a hostel or meeting lots of new people, ask what they’re doing on their trip! You might make a new friend and discover a great spot that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise – especially if you’ve managed to see the spots you prioritized and want to check out something new.

– Amanda, Client Experience Manager


Planning your trip can be overwhelming, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out where to start the planning process, especially knowing that you don’t want to feel like you missed out on something major. Hopefully, these tips can help point you in the right direction of planning your perfect trip!

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