Why take students abroad? The benefits of educational travel

What are the benefits of student travel? There are the obvious ones, of course: students who travel are immersed in foreign languages, become inspired by new and exciting experiences abroad, and encounter historical landmarks and world geography firsthand.

In short, student travel is educational, allowing students to experience history and culture that they only hear about in class.

The educational benefits are just the beginning, though: educational travel changes students’ lives for the better. Of those that travel, 92% say that it has a lasting impact on their worldview, and more than half say it was the most important experience of their lives.

Here are just a few of the personal benefits of educational travel:

Students learn to love learning

Educational travel inspires students to link different ideas, including ones that they’ve learned in class, with what they’re experiencing on tour: 85% say they learn something about political and social issues. They are also over 200% more likely to get a university or graduate degree after travelling.

In making these connections, students are inspired and understand the importance of their education more than ever. After touring, more than half of students say that travel inspired them to learn for the sake of it rather than for grades.

They become more accepting

When students interact with people from other cultures, this causes a change in perception. It makes them more curious and accepting, and more likely to consider cultural contexts. After travelling, 70% of students reported an increased appreciation for other cultures.

What’s more, travel also increases empathy for others, and they become more aware of how they live and learn in comparison to others: 95% of student travellers report that they came home with an improved understanding of their own cultural values.

Personal responsibility improves

When students go on tour, they have the unique opportunity to expand their horizons and experience the world. They have chances to manage their own time and money, and learn to work through problems like navigating a new city and dealing with language barriers.

This helps boost confidence and improve personal responsibility and problem solving. After touring, 97% of students report an increase in self-confidence. Plus, they also come home having made lifelong friends, and with a newfound understanding of who they are as individuals. In short, students learn as much about themselves as they do their destination.

Educational travel is certainly educational, but it’s so much more than that. Give us a call so we can tell you about where we can take you and your students this year!

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