TalkLocal–an educational app that helps travellers learn languages

Jesse from TripLingo Jesse is the CEO of TripLingo, which has partnered with Explorica to create TalkLocal, a mobile language learning app that helps Explorica travellers to quickly dive into a language and make the most of their time on tour.
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I remember clearly the excitement of myself and my classmates in 2003 as we prepared for a class trip to Italy and Austria- few of us had been abroad before and we were thrilled at the prospect of travelling through a foreign land and seeing what was there to see. It was one of the most memorable trips of my life, thanks in part to the shared experience with my classmates and also because we got to experience firsthand how people in different parts of the world live.

That experience left a lasting impression and has inspired a lifelong love of travel- of exploring new places, meeting new people, and catching a glimpse into foreign cultures. Once I had the travel bug I was infected, and after graduating college I moved to Vietnam for 2 years.

When I got started in Vietnam, it didn’t take long to learn that without any language skills it was going to be rough. I’m not sure if you’ve ever asked where the restroom is using only your hands, but it’s just a tad bit embarrassing. That’s just the start: lacking language skills, my plans were easily thwarted and I often found myself frustrated. Worst of all, I had no sense for the culture I was now living in.
To cope, I began taking Vietnamese lessons daily. As I picked up more useful phrases, something magical started to happen. My work colleagues appreciated my effort and the interest I showed in their culture. Taxi drivers suddenly became friendly and my fares started decreasing. Getting around town became much easier and much more enjoyable.

The importance and usefulness of knowing a bit of the local lingo was driven home to me one day in Hanoi’s Old Quarter. I was walking around and was approached by a fruit seller; pretty standard.

Usually in this situation, the tourists end up in “No Mode”- they say “no” over and over, and eventually either erupt in frustration or ignore the person- a bad situation for both parties. I know it’s unpleasant for the tourist; you’re traveling to enjoy the culture, not clash with it. I can only imagine how the other person feels. No one likes being talked down to and ignored.

But this time, when the fruit seller approached, I simply smiled and said “No rồi” (pronounced ‘naw zoi’) — “I’m full already”. A huge grin came over her face, she laughed, and said something back which I didn’t understand. It didn’t matter; in just two short syllables I’d avoided an awkward situation, engaged positively with the local culture, and had a memorable experience myself.

Most importantly, I was able to start connecting with people and the culture. This experience abroad was the inspiration that eventually led to TripLingo.

Fast forward two years, and TripLingo had launched to acclaim, winning rave reviews in the press and a number of awards in the travel industry. At a conference in Barcelona, I ran into Dan Kellerd from Explorica. Very quickly I learned that he and the Explorica team shared our passion for helping others to have exceptional travel experiences. Explorica isn’t a leader in the educational travel space for nothing, and as I learned more I knew there was something special about their approach that recognized that the essence of travel is found in the experiences you have and what you take away from those experiences.

There was a natural fit between our two companies and we began brainstorming ways to work together. Over the next few months, the TripLingo team began creating an Explorica version of our app specifically designed for students and teachers looking to make the most of their trip.

We’re thrilled to partner with Explorica and are excited about being a part of experiences that leave a lasting impression by opening students’ eyes to the wonders of the world around them.

You can access TalkLocal at , and we are here to serve you- feel free to reach out to me anytime at jesse -at- Like Explorica, we’re proud to stand behind our products, and if you’re ever unsatisfied at any time, you can rest easy knowing that we offer a no-questions-asked refund policy.

Moving forward, we have lots of exciting enhancements and content that we’re excited to share with Explorica travellers, just as we’re thrilled at the wonderful experiences that await you on your travels.

To enriching travels,

Jesse Maddox

CEO, TripLingo

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