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Guaranteed best prices

Our mission is to enrich students through educational travel, and that means doing everything we can to make our tours affordable for all families. We use our long-standing industry relationships to get you more for your dollar, and we pass the savings on to your travelers with the guaranteed best prices in the industry. If you happen to find a better price somewhere else, we’ll beat it.

Customizable tours

Explorica offers a world of customization options. From small adjustments like swapping an activity or hotel, to building an entirely customized tour from the ground up, we make it easy. Our Instant Tour Customizer lets you add, remove or upgrade hotels, meals and more at the click of a button with live pricing.

Exclusive travel options

To meet the diverse needs of our group leaders we provide many unique travel options you won’t find anywhere else, including:

Industry-best tour directors

You know better than anyone how important it is to have a great tour director, they can make or break a trip. That’s why we pride ourselves on providing the industry's best tour directors to guide your group every step of the way. We’ve developed a rigorous vetting and training process based on the feedback of experienced group leaders to ensure your time on tour is the best.

Comprehensive coverage

When you travel with Explorica, you’re backed by our $50 million liability policy that protects third parties and tour participants (including students, faculty, staff and family members). Your school officials can rest assured that they do not have to assume responsibility for the safety of their students while abroad.

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