Yukon: Learning at Home

Note to Teachers: The intent of this resource is to have students research the province or territory through the suggested activities below. Can be individual or group oriented. Links are provided for further information or support.

Learn the province
Research the background of the Yukon flag. Form a committee to consider whether the current flag should be kept or changed. Keep in mind that a flag is to reflect history and inclusivity of your territory.

  • If the recommendation is to change the flag, what changes would you recommend and why?
  • Are the Yukon indigenous people represented?
  • Is there a theme you see among provincial and territorial flags?
  • What is the origin of the word Yukon?

Study some history
Dive deep into the history of the Yukon and some sites you’ll visit on tour. Pick two or three locations or main events in the history of the territory and explain why they are important. Start with the following question: How did the Gold Rush change development in the Yukon and impact people living there?

Learn more by exploring these sites: Caribou Crossing, Dawson City Historic Site, Museums of Whitehorse, First Nations of the Yukon History

Get creative
Organize your art supplies and get painting! Pick a location you’ll visit on your trip and compare your artwork to photos of the location when you return. Consider painting a historic building in Carcross, the the SS Klondike, or animals of the Yukon.

Pick a film
Watch a movie or TV show that was filmed in (or relates to) The Yukon. Some ideas include:

Understand the culture
Learn more about the Yukon’s culture, including notable residents from the province, popular activities, and any foods the territory is known for. Start with these links:

Examine the economy
Research the Yukon’s top industries. If you were to move to the Yukon and work, which industry would you choose and why? Compare the Yukon economy to the economy of your own community.

Master the language
Identify and research the languages spoken in the Yukon other than English. Of the languages you identified, which one would you find most interesting to learn? Why? How important is language to a person’s identity? Why is language considered so important to First Nations peoples in the Yukon?

Did you know?
Whitehorse is the territory’s capital…and the Yukon’s only city!