New Tour: The Galapagos & Machu Picchu

Go to the centre of the earth. Then walk in the footsteps of Darwin, and see centenarian giant tortoises around a volcanic archipelago. Just when you get your head around the theory of evolution, take a mind-blowing hike in the cradle of Incan civilization…

Our new tour to the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu is full of amazing outdoor, hands-on activities. Read on to learn more about our three favourites, orĀ check out the entire itinerary now.


Primicias Ranch Visit

The Galapagos giant tortoise is the largest living tortoises in the world, can weigh up to 660 pounds and can live as long as 150 years in the wild. The wild population of these amazing creatures has dropped sharply since the seventeenth century due both to excessive hunting and the introduction of predators and humans. For a rare chance to see these amazing endangered tortoises roam free in the natural habitat, head to Primicias Ranch.

Quito Guided Sightseeing Tour

Explore the Ecuador’s beautiful capital on this guided tour of Quito’s downtown. Visit sites dating back to Spanish colonization, and continue to Panecillo where you will find an impressive panoramic view of the city and the surrounding valleys. Jump from the southern to northern hemisphere in an instant at Mitad del Mundo – the Equator Monument that marks the equinoctial line.

Cape Rose Excursion

Prepare yourself for one of the best days of your trip! After navigation aboard a typical fisherman boat for an hour and a half from Puerto Villamil, you will reach Cape Rosa or Finado Bay on the western side of the island. This is one of the most beautiful places nature has bestowed upon humankind. Here you can walk over the connected lava tunnels situated in the blue sea waters.


See the entire The Galapagos and Machu Picchu itinerary


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