3 Eccentric Easter Traditions Across Europe

It’s Easter this weekend, and that usually means lots of chocolate, eggs, bunnies, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies… you get the idea. For many of us, it’s also a very spiritual holiday that inspires a wide range of traditions and festivities. The more class trips we send to Europe, the more we’ve come to appreciate its Read More …

12 Holiday Dishes from Around the World

Crispy latkes laden with sour cream, sweet-smelling fruit pies spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, roasted turkey paired with creamy mashed potatoes and tangy cranberry sauce, a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken… The holidays are almost upon us, which means plenty of specialty dishes we can’t wait to sink our teeth into. (Yes, we meant to Read More …

Soldiers project: Thomas Henderson

In order to prepare for their upcoming journey to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, students from across Canada research the life and death of a particular soldier in order to better understand and relate to the circumstances faced by so many young men and their families. Researching primary documents Read More …

Student project: Vimy poster

Vimy 100 is only three days away! We’ve been featuring stories about how our students have prepared for this historic event, and Explorica traveller went above and beyond to get into the spirit of remembrance. Kianna is a 17-year-old student attending Ponoka High School in Alberta. She created a stunning commemorative poster to represent the magnitude of the Read More …

The Vimy Monument

Curious about the history behind the Vimy Memorial? Look no further than Veterans Affairs Canada, who have meticulously curated the answers to the questions so many students raise when learning the intricate details of WWI and Canada’s consequential role. Below is just a small sample of the information readily available on their resource center. The Battle of Vimy Read More …

Soldiers project: John Henry Henderson

In order to prepare for their upcoming journey to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, students from across Canada research the life and death of a particular soldier in order to better understand and relate to the circumstances faced by so many young men and their families. Researching primary documents Read More …

2019 Commemorative D-Day tours

2019 marks the 75th anniversary of one of the most infamous conflicts in our history. The bravery that so many young Canadians exhibited during that fateful summer still touches our lives, and Explorica will be commemorating their sacrifice throughout the 2019 school year with a collection of tours specifically focused on D-Day. On June 6, 1944, a massive Allied force crossed the English Channel Read More …

France tour collection

Feast on an unforgettable meal in a brasserie tucked away in the Latin Quarter of Paris. Walk the beaches of Normandy and stand on the hallowed ground where Allied soldiers fought and fell for freedom. Visit the warm Mediterranean cities of the French Riviera, speckled with old palaces and mansions—the relics of the formidable Grimaldi Read More …

Tours by experience

All Explorica tours provide authentic educational immersion, but you can also focus in on a specific subject or experience. World history Go back to where it all began on an in-depth historical tour. See more: explorica.ca/worldhistory Paris, Vimy & Normandy. . . . . . . . . .explorica.ca/CAB London, Paris & Berlin. . . Read More …

Commemorate D-Day

2019 will mark the 75th anniversary of one of the most infamous conflicts in our history. The bravery that so many young Canadians exhibited during that fateful summer still touches our lives, and Explorica will be commemorating their sacrifice throughout the 2019 school year with a collection of tours specifically focused on D-Day and Canadian history. Read More …