Soldiers project: Earl Hembroff

In order to prepare for their upcoming journey to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, students from across Canada research the life and death of a particular soldier in order to better understand and relate to the circumstances faced by so many young men and their families. Researching primary documents Read More …

Meet the designer behind Explorica’s Vimy 100 jacket

In preparation for Vimy 100, Explorica invited students to design an emblem for the official Explorica commemorative jacket. Students from across Canada were asked to share what the Battle of Vimy Ridge meant to them. The winner, high school student Maddy Haggith of Strathroy, Ontario, was inspired by a sense of responsibility to honour the Read More …

Vimy Ridge, an American perspective

Interview with Dee Dauphinee on His New Novel While backpacking in Europe in 1988, Dee Dauphinee stumbled upon the World War I memorial at Vimy Ridge, not knowing what it represented. When Dauphinee noticed the engraving of a soldier who carried his last name, his curiosity grew into a 3-year exploration and in-depth research tracing the fallen soldier’s life across Canada, Read More …