Jordan: Learning at Home

Get creative
A visit to Jordan would not be complete without a walk through a traditional market, or souk. From spices and produce to jewelry, carpets, and pottery, the markets in Jordan each offer unique experiences and items. One item you are sure to encounter is bottled sand art, which dates back to the time of the Nabataeans. The Jordanian city of Aqaba is known as the home to this old and unique art form. Try making your own sand art bottle!

Pick a film
Watch a film that relates to your destination. Some ideas for Jordan include:

  • Lawrence of Arabia (1963)
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
  • Aladdin (2019)

Fun fact: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019), The Martian (2015), and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) all feature Jordan’s Wadi Rum as alien landscapes!

Study some history
Deep dive into some of the fascinating sites you will visit on tour. First up is the “Lost City” of Petra. This ancient city, dating back as far as 7,000 BC, was carved into the red desert cliffs. The Nabataean Arabs created this city which prospered through the trade of frankincense, myrrh, spices, and perfumes. The best-known tomb in Petra is called the “Khazneh,” which is Arabic for “Treasury.” It got its name because, at one time, local people believed it contained hidden treasure. Visit the rose-red city Petra with this virtual tour.

Next, explore the city of Jerash which was hidden for centuries in the shifting sands of Jordan. Jerash is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the Middle East. Marvel at the majesty of Roman architecture, mosaics, and carvings as you explore Jerash with this virtual tour.

Choose a book
Read and discuss a book that takes place in Jordan or has interesting historical information. Pick from titles like:

  • Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life by Queen Noor
  • Seven Pillers of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence
  • Petra: The History of the Rose City, One of the New Seven Wonders of the World by Charles River Editors

Fill up your plate
Visitors to Jordan will be invited to share in tiny glasses of sweetened tea, often steeped with aromatic sage. Sharing tea is an important part of the culture. If you sit down to drink with the locals, you may be in for infinite refills until you signal your satisfaction by placing a hand over the glass.

Arrange a Jordanian potluck and encourage your friends to bring traditional Jordanian dishes such as falafel, shawarma, or savory roasted nuts. Find a restaurant that serves zaarb or mansaf (the national dish of Jordan) or try a cooking class and learn to make maqluba, a classic comfort food. An easy recipe to try at home is this creamy fattet hummus dish.

Learn the language
Ahlan wa sahlan! is a phrase you will hear a lot in Jordan. Learn some helpful words and phrases in Jordanian Arabic as you explore this magnificent country.

Did you know?
The Dead Sea is 20 times saltier than the ocean!