Announcing our 2019 Photo Contest Winners!

Announcing the winners of the 2019 Photo Contest!

Year after year, the annual Photo Contest is something that everyone at Explorica looks forward to without fail. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and because we’re travel lovers ourselves, there’s nothing we love more than seeing the stories your photos tell of all of your amazing experiences!

This year, we received more than 1,200 entries! As always, choosing the winners out of hundreds of incredible photos is no simple task. With the help of our staff judging panel, we are proud to announce the winning photos of the 2019 Explorica Photo Contest!

Best Scenic Shot | Mitchell G., ‘New Perspectives.’

About his trip, Mitchell said, “For 10 days, I travelled through France and Italy alongside my classmates. It was one of the most amazing experiences ever, experiencing different foods, architecture and culture. It was a trip I will never forget!”

2019 Scenic Photo winner, a glass orb held up in front of a golden cathedral shows an upside down reflection of the building



















Best Group Shot | Autumn L., ‘The Bluest View.’

Taking this photo was something Autumn and her classmates set out to do. Autumn shared, “[We] were really looking forward to going to the “blue city” in Chefchaouen, Morocco. [We] were given blue sunglasses from Explorica, [and we wore] the glasses in the photo. We really enjoyed our tour guide, Rolando, and will forever have great memories of being able to travel together [as a] class”.

2019 Group Photo Winner, a group of student pose above the blue city of Chefchaouen, Morocco













A huge congratulations to our winners, and to all that entered, keep an eye on our Instagram page (@exploricacanada) – your entry may be featured there!

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